Afghanistan: Suicide attack on gurudwara in Kabul, many attackers entered

According to the information, this attack has taken place at the gurudwara located in Shore Bazar.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

/ by Today India

Afghanistan: Suicide attack on gurudwara in Kabul, many attackers entered

Kabul: The attack on a Sikh shrine in Afghanistan's capital Kabul is reported. According to the news agency Reuters, suicide bombers were involved in the attack on the Sikh shrine. 
According to the information, this attack took place in the gurudwara located in Shore Bazar. Special force personnel have reached the spot and the encounter with the terrorists is going on. 
Earlier on March 15, seven policemen were killed in a Taliban attack in Afghanistan's Kandhar province. According to the spokesman of the provincial police, Jamal Barikzai, there was a terrorist attack in Charasakhi area of ​​Jhari district around 2 am. 

Barikzai said that the Taliban militants responsible for the attack escaped from the scene, although the Taliban did not react to the attack.
(Waiting for detailed information)

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