Corona: 127 more deaths in Iran and 462 more in Spain, total death toll crosses 15,000

Worldwide, the number of people infected with corona has now crossed 3,50,000 while more than 15,000 people have died from it.

Monday, March 23, 2020

/ by Today India

Corona: 127 more deaths in Iran and 462 more in Spain, total death toll crosses 15,000

Madrid / Tehran. In Spain, new cases of Coronavirus infection are constantly being reported. In the last 24 hours, there have been 4321 new cases, which has increased the number of total infected to more than 33000 while the number of deaths has increased to 2,182 with 410 deaths. On the other hand, 1411 new cases have also been reported in Iran, due to which the number of total infected has increased to more than 23000 while the number of total deaths has increased to 1,812 with 127 deaths. Worldwide, the number of people infected with corona has now crossed 3,50,000 while more than 15,000 people have died from it.

Many countries implemented new restrictions
As the number of deaths from the corona virus across the world reached 15,000, global measures to combat the epidemic accelerated on Monday when many more nations and cities implemented extraordinary closures. In Germany, where there is a ban on the gathering of more than two people, New Zealand has announced a four-week lockdown and Hong Kong has closed its borders for all non-residents. Due to these new measures being taken for prevention, the chaos around the world can be easily understood.

Canada will not participate in Olympics

While the postponement of the Tokyo Olympics in July is also increasing, Canada has announced that it will not send its players to Japan, while Australia has said that it is preparing for a one-year delay. In the US, President Donald Trump has ordered thousands of emergency beds to be prepared in the areas badly affected by the virus, while in the meantime, a proposal related to a billion-dollar relief package to save the economy was rejected in the Senate. Trump said, "We are at war, in the true sense we are at war."
Highest deaths due to corona in Europe
In Italy, the death toll from the virus reached close to 5500 by Sunday. There is news of 651 deaths here on Sunday itself. European countries are constantly engaged in minimizing the movement of citizens, Greece also announced a nationwide lockdown on the lines of Italy, Spain and France. In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced a ban on the gathering of more than two people on Sunday. She herself is going into isolation after coming in contact with an infected doctor. Like in Europe, the closed tourism industry is breaking the back of other countries of the world.

The Pope said - follow social distancing
The Pope, in his prayer broadcast online, asked Italian citizens to adopt social distancing 'for the good of all' and follow the guidelines issued. In Spain, the Prime Minister said that he would request Parliament to extend the state of emergency by 15 days. Under this, people are not allowed to leave the houses if not necessary. With the death of 400 more people in Spain on Sunday, the total death toll from the virus reached 1,720, indicating that the lockdown is not going to take effect.On the other hand, in France, the death toll rose to 674 and people here were seen inside the houses. Curfew has been imposed in some areas and the Mayor of Paris said that more stringent measures can be adopted. Similar measures are being adopted in Britain and Prime Minister Boris Johnson has warned that figures like Italy may be seen in Britain in a few weeks. Meanwhile, the government has taken over the operation of the railways so that those who do the necessary movement during the infection of the virus do not have any problem.

One third lockdown in America
Talking about America, more than one third of the citizens are facing some kind of lockdown. These include New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. The number of infected people in the country is continuously increasing. The seriousness of the situation is understood by the fact that the Mayor of New York has said that there will be a shortage of ventilators in the city in the coming 10 days.

On the other hand, the Australian Prime Minister said that this is the biggest shock to our economy in the last several years. He said that the epidemic can lead to a recession like 1930. No local cases of the virus were reported in China on Monday, while 39 people from abroad have said that there is infection. China's Communist leaders, however, have been criticized for not maintaining complete transparency in the matter within and outside the country, especially in the beginning. Trump has been an outspoken critic of China in the matter and called it a 'Chinese virus'. Apart from this, New Zealand has also announced a lockdown of four weeks.

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